Thursday, April 24, 2008

You and me - we is still new!!!!!

You and me – we is still new!!!
You think it is due
You kind of expect it too
But that’s just you
Expecting too much out of something new

It’s a four letter word carrying a lot of weight
And before I say it I’d like to wait.
It’s better to think now than when it is too late
Don’t want us to end up just as a statistic on some slate.

I say, give these feelings some time to grow
In the meantime let’s just explore
Young we are and time is what we have
So let’s just take this real nice and slow.

Don’t be in such a rush
Trust me this is much deeper than my first crush
Let’s smell the roses, at our pace, and in our time
For Dahling there’s time yet for the bells to chime.


Anonymous said...

"Love with your heart.. and get deceived in love; love with your Brain and deceive yourself!" ..anonymous!

you is a simple writer! [:D]

jyotsana said...

i like that line "you and me - we is still new". not been writing for a long time. where r u?

akaash said...

the ability to be simple is an asset, preserve it.

you are right about my last post on Symmetry. True Power always includes respect, while True Respect always leads to Power.

Don't you mind.. please, [:D], but the worst thing about your blog is your frequent absence! [:D][:D]

jyotsana said...

u may not feel like posting for sometime but i shall keep coming to say hullo to you just as you come to me.

Anonymous said...

lovely poignant have crafted it so beautifully...we can really feel the expressions and the pure ecstasy in it...simply beautiful!