Thursday, April 24, 2008

You and me - we is still new!!!!!

You and me – we is still new!!!
You think it is due
You kind of expect it too
But that’s just you
Expecting too much out of something new

It’s a four letter word carrying a lot of weight
And before I say it I’d like to wait.
It’s better to think now than when it is too late
Don’t want us to end up just as a statistic on some slate.

I say, give these feelings some time to grow
In the meantime let’s just explore
Young we are and time is what we have
So let’s just take this real nice and slow.

Don’t be in such a rush
Trust me this is much deeper than my first crush
Let’s smell the roses, at our pace, and in our time
For Dahling there’s time yet for the bells to chime.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

You have to be the first to go and get back.!!!!!!!!
When you hear the voice of caution
Querying you the predictable question
Don’t stop, to listen.
Don’t even try to reason.

Put your best foot forward
Don’t bother about the world.
It is their habit
To cast the brave and adventurous as weird!

It pays to be different and not be part of the crowd
It pays to have paved the way that others will some day trod
For then others will to you bow
And by the same crowd that once jeered you will be wowed.!!!!

It takes courage to take a stand
It takes spunk to stick your head out of the band
It takes an extraordinary man to build his own brand
In this our unforgiving land

Although no one for you is going to atone
Remember you are not alone
Intrepidity is a virtue by a select few shown
And it takes a man to tread the unbeaten zone.

So brace up and be on your way
Don’t let anyone get in the way.
The sun is on the move
And you must be gone before it gets in to its groove

Of all trades you were not meant to be Jack
For it is talent you don’t lack
If you must be leader of the pack
You know what you need to do
You have to be the first to go and get back.!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Young people of the world

Young peoples of the world...........
Young people, of all the nations, I call out to you
This is my message to each and every one of you
It is up to you what you choose to do
Live and let live, like you would wish others would, you!

You have just one life to live, so live it well
A treasure, have you been given, that you dare not sell
Nurture, and care for it, you might as well;
That your future may partake of it as well

You are the waiting actor in the wings, the yet to step on the stage future
All you need is the right direction and you will succeed for sure
Look around you, the world is yours for the taking
And it is up to you, to take forward the legacy that others are for you leaving

I see you, I see your indecision, I see your pride
I may look like I am in your way but really I am on your side, keeping an eye on your back;
Chin up then and match my stride
For you need to keep the goal in sight

Life is like an amusement park with plenty of rides
It’s up to you though, to choose the ride
The taller the ride the bigger the thrill
So show caution while taking your pick if you will

Just this lifetime you have so come on and run
Don’t waste it making the mistakes that others have already done
Learn from the others that have on this path already fumbled
Then you will have fewer occasions to be humbled.

Tis a good thing though to be humbled
For humility is a reminder of who you are and where you come from
If it is wasn’t for the ones who walked the path before you
You wouldn’t have this life as you know it, but you do.

Monday, March 31, 2008

My first day at blogspot

Hey friends!!!
Its so good to finally make my way here. Its my first day blogging at Thank you Thiru Murugan he is the one who put me to it!! Have been thinking for a long time about it but Thiru said the magical words. Blogspot is free!!!!!!!! LOL so here I am.

Im hoping that my new home here at Blogspot will mean new changes, new developments. I am looking forward to those changes. My life has been mundane for far too long. So i welcome change--

ROLLING STONES GATHER NO MOSS. .....................and so i keep roll rolling along.