Saturday, March 7, 2009

This is I

I !!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I fear my creativity 
For it compels me to explore the unknown 
I fear my dreams 
For they make me question my comfort 
I fear my heart 
For it shows no reason when it comes to loving 
I fear my faith 
For it narrows my vision 
I fear my beliefs 
Because they make me conform 
I fear my knowledge 
For it makes me slow to change…. 
I fear my mind 
Coz it makes me question my every move 
I fear not anyone, nor anything 
I fear just myself. 
I, is someone I can’t put aside 
I, I have to see every day in the mirror 
I, is always watching me 
I, is there looking at me each time I make a wrong move 
I, tells me I am wrong, before anyone else can 
I, keeps me awake when I have silenced other voices of dissent. 
I, keeps me knock, knocking on heavens door 
I cant get away from I. 
I is what makes me, me. 
And yet I try to get away from I 
Each day in every way possible I try hard not to listen to I 
I fear that if I listen , I will have to take responsibility for all my actions 
Its easier to pass the buck, and blame my fortune 
I have to find the courage to believe in I 
I is what will get me past all my struggles 
If only I would listen , I wouldn’t be looking for answers 
I wouldn’t be here trying to figure me…………………………… 
Each of us is our best judge. 
Each of us our best guide. 
 If we look hard enough and long enough we will find that the answers are all there right there within us.